The Role of Podiatry in Managing Arthritis

Arthritis in the feet or ankles can cause pain, stiffness, and other symptoms. The condition also makes it difficult to walk and move around. Podiatry offers several methods for treating and managing arthritis and its symptoms. Dr. Anoosh Moadab, the board-certified podiatrist at All Valley Podiatric Group in Fresno, CA, treats arthritis of the feet and ankles.

Arthritis in the Feet and Ankles

Arthritis can develop in the feet and ankles for many reasons. One cause of arthritis is trauma or an injury, such as a dislocated joint or bone fracture. Arthritis caused by a foot or ankle injury often does not develop for several years after the injury occurred. Another cause of arthritis is daily wear and tear over the years. Normal activities such as walking, jogging, or climbing stairs can lead to the breakdown of cartilage, ligaments, and other tissues in the joints. Without the cushioning these tissues provide, arthritis can occur.

Several different types of arthritis can affect the feet and ankles, including:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Post-traumatic arthritis
  • Hallux rigidus
  • Gout

Arthritis often makes it difficult to put weight on the feet, which can cause pain when standing, walking, or moving around. In addition to pain, other common symptoms of arthritis in the feet or ankles include stiffness, swelling, and tenderness. Additionally, some individuals might develop changes in the shape of the feet or experience unsteadiness when on their feet.

Podiatry Treatments for Arthritis

Several options are available for treating and managing arthritis in the feet and ankles. The specific treatments you need will depend on such factors as the type or cause of arthritis, as well as the severity of your symptoms. At our podiatry office in Fresno, CA, arthritis can be treated using one or more of the following methods:

  • Physical therapy
  • Custom orthotics
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
  • Lifestyle or activity modifications
  • Compression therapy
  • Foot or ankle brace
  • Strapping
  • Padding

If you regularly experience pain, stiffness, and swelling in the feet or ankles, you could have arthritis. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Moadab for the diagnosis and treatment of foot or ankle arthritis by calling All Valley Podiatric Group in Fresno, CA, at (559) 436-1213.

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