What are Custom Orthotics and Who Needs Them?

Your feet are foundational for your general health and pain-free living. Dr. Anoosh Moadab at All Valley Podiatric Group in Fresno, CA, offers custom orthotics to keep your feet healthy and strong. 

Custom Orthotics: What They Are and Who Needs Them 

You’ve likely seen shoe inserts at your local retailer. You might have bought some with the intention of providing your feet with some extra support and comfort. 

While over-the-counter (OTC) shoe inserts can be the answer in some cases, they aren’t the solution for everyone. They are designed to address comfort issues around a very generalized foot structure. 

Custom orthotics, however, are designed from a mold of the individual’s foot. This means that they provide proper arch support and address the individual’s unique foot structure and needs. How do you know if you need custom orthotic inserts as opposed to the OTC option? Dr. Moadab and the team at All Valley Podiatric Group in Fresno, CA, share signs to help you decide below. 

You’re Dealing with Chronic Pain or Fatigue 

Heel pain, foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, and hip pain can all be signs that there is something off with your foot. This is also the case when your feet feel tired all the time. If you’re living with pain or tired feet, especially if you’re already using inserts, you should visit your podiatrist for a more customized solution. 

Your Arches Are Really High or Really Low 

Arches are unique, which makes OTC inserts less effective. If you have flatfeet, very low arches, or very high ones, custom orthotic inserts are typically the most effective solution. 

You Have Pronation Issues 

Your foot is supposed to roll when you walk or run. However, some people’s feet don’t roll enough or they roll too much. This can lead to bunions, Achilles tendon issues, uneven shoe wear, and plantar fasciitis. Custom orthotic inserts can help your weight get distributed evenly, relieving pain and reducing the potential for injuries. 

Anyone Who Is on Their Feet for Long Periods 

Whether you’re an athlete, you run for exercise, or you work a job that requires standing and walking, your feet are put through a great deal of stress and strain. Custom orthotic devices can ensure you have the best support for your activities. 

If you’re considering custom orthotics in Fresno, CA, let Dr. Moadab and the team at All Valley Podiatric Group help you find the best solution for your needs. Call (559) 436-1213 to schedule an appointment today.

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